Pickleball Getaways

frequently asked questions

If your questions are not answered here, feel free to contact us directly!

How many people attend getaways?

This depends on the getaway! Our getaways to Mexico host 80 guests, split into two groups for pickleball. Our getaways to Costa Rica host 64 guests, also split into two groups. Our getaways to Europe are generally much smaller—perhaps 30-40 guests.

Which pros will go on which trips?

Our pros are often not decided upon until after trips are sold out, since their schedules vary so much. All the pros we select will show you a great time and teach you new skills, though! Some of our most frequent pros can be found on our Founders and Guest Pros pages—be sure to check them out!

What skill levels do you accept on your getaways?

We welcome any and all skill levels, from beginners to experts. Our guests are usually in the 3.0 – 4.0 range, but there are a handful of 2.5s and 4.5s, too.

How are players grouped during pickleball?

When you place on order, you will fill out a form that requests your approximate skill level. The coaches will put players with similar skill levels together, and then the coaches will adjust the court assignments once they see how the players fit in.

Do you offer travel insurance?

No, we do not. We do recommend purchasing travel insurance from a third party, though. Which travel insurance you select is entirely up to you!

How can I secure a spot for a getaway that isn't released yet?

You can contact us for Early Registration for a fee, which will add you to the email list that is first alerted of new getaways. Alternatively, you could subscribe to our email list, which will alert you about new getaways after our early registrants have had the opportunity to sign up.

Can my diet be accommodated by the resorts?

In most cases, yes! For our getaways to Mexico, The Grand Palladium Colonial Resort and Spa has a huge variety of restaurants you can choose from. For our getaways to Costa Rica, the Tilajari Hotel Resort’s chef will make options for your diet. For our other getaways, let us know about your dietary restrictions and we will let the resorts/hotels know.

Are there skill level requirements?

No. Whether you are an experienced player or you have never held a pickleball paddle before, you are welcome on our getaways!